In late July, I went on a week-long cruise with my mom and Nana to Cozumel, Belize, Roatan, and Grand Cayman. Sherry kept the girls because Chad had to work all week. It was a nice getaway for me and a great three-generational bonding experience. I've neglected both my blog and digital pictures of late, but in an effort to make amends, here they are:
We set off from Tampa. This is a view from our balcony over the Florida Aquarium. |
Nana chillin' out on our balcony. |
This is the life! I felt a little ridiculous carrying around this bucket of super-sized beer to the lifeboat drill. |
Bye bye, Tampa! |
Under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Full speed ahead. P.S. I'm buzzed by now.
The view from our balcony. Couldn't be more ideal, except for a lot of swaying. Had to invest in wrist bands that hit pressure points to help with nausea. They work really well. |
At dinner one night. Nana moves pretty well for 96!
Glad I was filming and didn't have to participate.
I had the worst night's sleep...woke up about 5:30am and laid there. Finally, I got up, had some breakfast,
and went for a walk on deck. This was the sun coming up over Cozumel. That was a really peaceful time on the ship. |
As close as I got to Belize. I couldn't be bothered to go ashore. The ship tenders from really far out. |
This image might outweigh the nausea. |
The port at Roatan, Honduras. This was our favorite stop! (and unfortunately, the shortest)
Getting off the ship at Roatan. |
A resort at West End Village, Roatan. We felt very safe and welcome here. |
Horseback riding along the beach. |
Excellent Honduran beer! We enjoyed a boozy lunch at Fat Tuesdays. |
Absolutely no excuse for missing your call when the ship is this close to the port. This was a really good day.
And we continued our fun on the ship after our 3pm sail. Some of us "rested" during dinner.
At port in Cayman Islands. Our ship in the background. This port tenders. |
One of 2 shipwrecks we saw on a glass bottom boat at Grand Cayman. |
From a beach at Grand Cayman. It threatened rain all day, but never affected us. This place looks and feels very similar to Key West. |
We stopped by a turtle farm. There were some there that were almost 100 years old. P.S. Turtle soup is very good!
Nana holding a turtle. Caption actually unnecessary. |
Room service at it's finest. The entire staff of the cruise was phenomenal. |
Melanie and Belle appreciated their souvenirs. $12 (each!) well spent on blowfish pina coladas. |
It was a fun trip, and I'm glad we went. A week is a little long for me to be at sea, but we enjoyed ourselves.