I'm also a teacher and would be more free with my language and content if not for trolling students.
Some random/useless facts about me:
- People who don't cuss or drink make me nervous.
- I cry at sappy commercials and sentimental moments, but try desperately to mask it.
- I feel awkward when paid public praise.
- I love all things 60's, so how is it I've never watched an episode of Mad Men?
- People misunderstand my tone and facial expressions and think I'm a bitch. But that's probably because I often am. Sometimes, though, I'm just deep in thought.
- Sarcasm is a part of my DNA.
- I was in a sorority (Alpha Chi Omega), but went inactive my junior year because someone ate my late plate.
- I've been lost in 2 foreign countries, both times under the age of 10.
- I've had too many speeding tickets in my life to count.
- I spent 2 semesters in law school and partied harder than I ever did in college.
- I get really anxious when I am late, yet I'm ALWAYS late.
- I need goals and projects to keep my motivated.
- I sang karaoke at my wedding reception.
- I have dreams where my teeth are falling out.
- I've got zero patience, but I'm working on it.
- I go days without stepping outside, except to go to work/school.
- If you took coffee and red wine from my diet, I may wither and die (or become more healthy.)
- I laugh loud and hard and sometimes make a weird snorting sound.
- I get bored easily and change my hair style and color frequently.
- I always cry at the National Anthem.
- I prefer dramas to comedies in movies, but comedies to dramas in books.
- I've never been able to do a split.
- I have to have my toe nails perfectly painted at all times.
- The tuning of an orchestra before a musical is my favorite sound.
- I find myself smiling when I look at my girls. I didn't realize they could make me so happy. See #15 for when they make me angry.