Sayonara! |
I promised I'd enter this week of Idol with a poor attitude, and indeed I did. I REALLY missed seeing Colton on that stage.
All I can say to Elise Testone being kicked off is...good riddance! I was over her in week 1. If it didn't happen this week, it would be next week. Frankly, I'm surprised she lasted this long. I still can't put a face to her fan base. Maybe that was part of her problem. She's a good technical singer, but raspy voices are not my bag.
Here's my take on the Top 5:
In order of my preference.
Joshua Ledet- He should win. He came out swinging last night. I think he proved his versatility because we already knew the boy can SANG!
Phillip Phillips- I dig his vibe, and I buy what he's selling. He's obviously not the best singer, but he's authentic. I'd like to hear some of his original work.
Skylar Laine- I did not care for her much in the beginning. But she had some stellar weeks there in the middle, and I was impressed. Last night was just alright. I'm not a fan of country, especially that Reba twang, but she could make it to the top 2 or 3 because that genre sells with Idol fans.
Holly Cavanaugh- A couple of weeks ago, I was ready to watch her head roll. She's really brought her A game, though, these past two weeks. I thought she was phenomenal last night singing The Climb. Certainly, 1000 times better than Miley Cyrus, but that's not very hard to achieve. That said, she'll probably go next week. Her nine lives are just about spent.
Jessica Sanchez- Her Dance with My Father was great last night. Other than that, she has shown me nothing since the big save. It seems that the judges are disenchanted with her as well. No more leaping to their feet and more criticism. I'd love to see her go before Holly.
On a separate note, I will never watch the results show again live again because I cannot stomach another Ford music video or a performance from Idol rewind (Adam Lambert excluded.)