I also have some little idiosyncrasies when it comes to reading books.
- I don't like reading hardbacks. They are too cumbersome to hold and carry in a purse.
- I am very particular about the condition of a book. I much prefer new books. To see a book whose pages have been turned down to mark a spot or whose front cover has been folded back makes me cringe.
- I don't like library books, mainly for the two reasons listed above. Plus, think about how many people have sneezed directly into a library book.
- Finally, I'm very particular about a book's font. If it is too small, it hurts my eyes.
I also need instant gratification. I buy a lot of books on Amazon (since there is no new bookstore in my area...gasp!) The problem is, it takes a week to get the book.
So......for all of these reasons, I've bought a Kindle. I used my birthday money (yes, even 36 year-old's get money in cards.) Now, I can:
- get instant gratification with a 1-click download that is immediately transferred
- store 1000's of books
- control the font size
Best of all, I bought a case for it and you can hold the case just like a book.
As for roaming through bookstores, I can still do that (if I'm ever in a real city.) I can just download the Kindle version straight from my device. There also is no rule prohibiting me from reading "real" books. Let's be honest, for the longest time, the bookstore I most often frequent has been Amazon.
Instead of pages, I now count in percentages. Because you can change the size of the font, the number of pages in a book can change. Instead, the Kindle tells you the percentage of the book you've read. You can also see how far along you are into a chapter, for those who don't like to stop reading until you've come to the end of one.
I just finished reading my first Kindle book today, The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen. It was AWESOME, but that's a separate post. Read my Shelfari review. I feel like I read so much faster with the Kindle. I also might read different types of books than I'd normally choose because Amazon offers specials, which is how I ended up with The Surgeon.
That's my review.
You love me kindle? Are ye Irish now???? Too cute. I want an iPad which I think is the same type thing but you can do internet on it too. Glad to hear you really are enjoying it. I have to get back to bloggin. I just have been so busy this weekend. No excuses though!!!!