It's a tutor coordinator for an SES tutoring company. I'd be in charge of student and tutor recruitment in 3 counties, including Citrus. The work is from home, which is good. The biggest negative is that the pay isn't consistent. It's based on the number of students enrolled. If I were to leave my current job, I'd need to be guaranteed a certain salary with a set number of hours.
I'm still waiting to hear if my request to work 3/4 time will be approved. Things don't look optimistic. I'd take a pay cut, but wouldn't report to work until 9:00am. I'd teach the same number of classes, but with no planning period. The Union has issues with that. If I didn't sign the contract soon, it was going to expire. I may have been out of a job altogether.
I feel like the only way I could justify leaving is if a full-time virtual teaching position came my way.
The mornings aren't getting any easier, though. Even going in 30 minutes later (students are gone), we had a meltdown over socks, or something insignificant like that. Yesterday, I asked Melanie why she was crying. She said she didn't know. I don't either. At least she's honest.
At any rate, today was my last day. I don't report back (maybe) until August 2.
Here's the good news... it won't always be that way. They will get bigger and grow out of these phases that are so hard on us now. I am not sure if it gives you any comfort to know you aren't alone in your struggles, but you're not. I am not saying that I have to deal with screaming matches at 5:30 in the morning, but I know where you are coming from. The only advise I can think of is to stay calm and if socks are the issue, then it's a no-sock day. My girls seem to straighten up if I calmly say, "Ok, then we won't worry about socks today." I usually get some type of compliance at that point. If I don't, then I just have to pick my battles. Regan insisted on wearing her princess nightgown as her day-clothes the other day. Mark was mortified that I agreed, but I sincerely have more important things to do than fight it out wit a 3 year old. At the end of the day, what do I care anyway. She did look cute even if she looked like she was on her way to a slumber party at the garden center. Oh well - that's how I am learning to roll :)